Problems in Gardening
After a prolonged hiatus from artmaking, this new series of paintings reflects the colors of my New Hampshire garden, and something nostalgic about gardening and native environments and habitats. “Problems in Gardening” could equally be “Problems in Landscape Painting”, as I struggle with how to engage in an authentic way with the genre and the world we inhabit today.
(Click on any image to bring up a slideshow).

Problems in Gardening 102
Oil on Gessobord 40" x 32"

Problems in Gardening 101
Oil on Gessobord 32" x 40"

Problems in Gardening 1
Oil on Gessobord 16" x 20"

Problems in Gardening 11
Oil on Gessobord 20" x 16"

Problems in Gardening 3
Oil on Gessobord 16" x 20"

Problems in Gardening 4
Oil on Gessobord 20" x 16"

Problems in Gardening 103
Oil on Gessobord 32" x 40"

Problems in Gardening 9
Oil on Gessobord 16" x 20"

Problems in Gardening 10
Oil on Gessobord 20" x 16"